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Giosuè Calaciura

Giosuè Calaciura, born in Palermo in 1960 is a journalist and writer. He has published 13 books since his debut novel Malacarne (Baldini&Castoldi,1998) and draws inspiration from the reality of his homeland, Sicily. His work addresses topics such as poverty, migrations, organized crime, with a tremendous literary ambition and poetic liberty. With his unique style – baroque, highly creative, full of metaphors – he recounts the Italian society and probes the human soul. His books have received both popular and critical success: Sgobbo (Baldini&Castoldi, 2002) was short-listed for the Campiello prize and Borgo Vecchio (Sellerio) was awarded with the Premio Volponi in Italy and short-listed for the Prix Femina in France. His work is translated in French, German and Spanish.


« There is the best of Garcia Marquez in the canaille and tender prose […] of Giosuè Calaciura, where magical realism remains muted. Something also of the unbridled fantasy of his Sardinian compatriot Milena Agus, revealed by Mal de pierres. » Delphine Peras, L’Express


« Giosuè Calaciura is a hidden treasure of contemporary Italian litterature. It’s about time he gets widely recognized. » Lise Wajeman, Mediapart


« The language of Giosuè Calaciura is unique, objectively unique: it is a very beautiful language, dense, poetic, baroque, crossed by constant metaphorical inventions; one does not forget it, if one has heard it once […] and one recognizes it immediately as soon as it rises again. » Jerome Ferrari, writer and winner of Goncourt Prize



Documentary on Giosuè Calaciura


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